The ~truth~ about the cost of flowers.



We love a good floral arrangement am I right?

But when is the last time you walked into a flower shop and bought an arrangement? I’d bet my bottom dollar you haven’t in years…possibly ever? In fact, I’d bet my last nickel that the last time you bought flowers, it was at a grocery store! You got a couple bunches for $20, and even then you felt gypped.

The truth is, floral sections in grocery stores are often lost leaders.

That just means that they don’t make money for the store, they may actually lose money— but the amount of money they get from people coming in, buying flowers, a sweet, and a card, oh we are almost out of coffee…ah string cheese! Oh those donuts looks good… — outweighs the loss of that department.


I’m gonna go even a step further and say that those flowers will NOT last you as long as if you buy them from a floral shop. Why? Because by the time they go from the farm to your dining room table, they can be -w-e-e-k-s- old. Yeah that’t right. I said it. You pass by and see those roses heads drooping? - That’s not just lack of clean water… THOSE ROSES ARE ON THEIR WAY OUT! Not cool man.

So what determines the cost of flowers?

  • the time of year

  • the demand for that flower

  • the quantity of flower needed

  • the farmer’s choice of cost (whether buying from the farm or through a distributor!)

  • the education, resources, etc of the designer/owner

  • there’s more but lets shut this down with one sentence::::::

    you get what you pay for.

    There are formulas we florists use for cost. So no, we aren’t trying to turn your wallet inside out! Arrangements are the cost they are because of the formula! There are way too many factors involved for us to be worried about gypping you and charging more than it’s worth.

    that is all for today

    thanks for listening to my unedited mini rant.

Nadine Clay